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Closings and Delays

Emergency Closing and Delayed Opening of School

When it becomes necessary to close the schools prior to the start of the school day or delay their opening due to hazardous weather conditions, announcements will be made on the following:

Early Dismissal
When dangerous driving conditions occur while school is in session, an early dismissal procedure may be followed. Emergency contact numbers will be called. It would be best if parents did not attempt to come to school to pick up their children. Our bus drivers are professionals and trained to drive under all road conditions. The children are much safer in a school bus. Additional cars on the road only cause problems for our buses due to the narrowness of most roads in our district.

Snow Make-up Days
If additional days are needed due to excessive school closings (inclement weather), school will be in session in the following order in 2022: April 11, April 12, April 13, April 14.