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FAQs about Assessment

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What do we do with the assessment data?

The assessment data informs us about many aspects of your child's learning and our teaching.  On a larger scale, we learn where our curriculum is strong and where we need to strengthen our instruction.  When looking at individual student data, we learn how to individualize instruction to enrich, extend or support student learning.  

How can I learn about my child's performance on these assessments?

Your first inquiry should be to your child's classroom teacher.  He or she can direct you to a specialist if necessary to further interpret the assessment data. 

Should I opt my child out of state tests?

We encourage full participation in state tests.  It is beneficial for the student and the school to inform instruction. 

What if my child doesn't perform well on tests?

With practice, students can improve their ability to perform on tests. Moreover, this will provide important information about what supports may help a student "level the playing field" so he or she can be successful.  

What types of interventions are available?

For students who qualify, there are a variety of interventions available including, but not limited to: extended time, separate location, speech-to-text, tests read, tests chunked, and others as needed. 

What are next steps if my child continues to struggle academically?

Your first contact should always be your classroom teacher.  Next steps may include speaking to a reading or math specialist or psychologist, or a teacher referral to the educational study team. 

How are assessments used for grading?

Curriculum-based assessments measure how well a student is learning the content and skills in the various content areas.  We use a standards-based grading system in concert with our standards-based report card. 

How can I prepare my child for assessments?

A good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast is always a great start! Please make sure your student is relaxed and understands that assessments are a snapshot to see how a student is performing at a particular moment in time.  It will ultimately help the teachers to instruct your child more precisely.